1. 1 Select your refrigerated display
  2. 2 Select your visual
  3. 3 Customize your creation
  4. 4 Ask for a quotation


Select a piece of this refrigerated display to begin customizing

PLV color



With a mast
Background color
Ajouter image

Images allowed (JPG, JPEG, PNG) - Maximum weight 3Mo

Regarding the text you are inserting, we recommend that you be vigilant and avoid words that could harm the reputation of a third party, its image and its products or that may infringe its rights.

Petite jupe

Petite jupe

Background color
Ajouter image

Images allowed (JPG, JPEG, PNG) - Maximum weight 3Mo

Regarding the text you are inserting, we recommend that you be vigilant and avoid words that could harm the reputation of a third party, its image and its products or that may infringe its rights.

Grande jupe

Grande jupe

Background color
Ajouter image

Images allowed (JPG, JPEG, PNG) - Maximum weight 3Mo

Regarding the text you are inserting, we recommend that you be vigilant and avoid words that could harm the reputation of a third party, its image and its products or that may infringe its rights.
Product card